
The Vulgata on Verbix web site: The Vulgate (Biblia Vulgata) is a late 4th-century Latin version of the Bible. All the verbs on the texts have been marked. Click any verb to see the Latin verb conjugation chart of the verb.

Old Testament
- Genesis
- Exodus
- Leviticus
- Numeri
- Deuteronomium
- Josue
- Judices
- Ruth
- I Samuel
- II Samuel
- I Reges
- II Reges
- Judith
- I Paralipomenon
- II Paralipomenon
- Esdras
- Nehemias
- Tobias
- Esther
- Job
- Proverbia
- Ecclesiastes
- Canticum Canticorum
- Sapientia
- Ecclesiasticus
- Isaias
- Jeremias
- Lamentationes
- Baruch
- Ezechiel
- Daniel
- Osee
- Joel
- Amos
- Abdias
- Jonas
- Michaeas
- Nahum
- Habacuc
- Sophonias
- Aggaeus
- Zacharias
- Malachias
- Manasse
- I Machabaeus
- II Machabaeus